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Read what other patients have said about us:

Alex, Fresno

Went to Palm Dental Care, had a great service by Dr. Salas. and the front desk walked me through my dental trestment efficiently and detail about my insurance benefits. I strongly recomend them.

Laurette, Fresno

Very friendly and welcoming staff. Doctor explained in detail what he thought the issues were. He laid out a clear plan that I could understand. He was compassionate and listened to me.

Carla Lombardi, Fresno

You will love the great dentist, office staff and technicians. Everyone is friendly, knowledgeable and extremely skilled. I encourage you to make an appointment if you are looking for a new dentist! BTW - the team is made up of all women! I was very please with the outcome and cost.

Lisa M, Fresno

I would recommend this dental establishment. Very friendly staff, great appointment accommodations, & offers payment options. Dentist is awesome & generally cares for her patients. Mariam is awesome & very pleasant to see & work with!!! Thank you Palm Dental

ERNA G Valenciano, FRESNO

I love what they did in my front teeth crown it was worth the money.